Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Work is work

Met with several people this morning, most were in good spirits not upset or out of sorts as we anticipated. For me it was just like the work I do in Traverse City, but this time the business owners had likeable Southern accents that I eventually found myself mimicking.

I do this when I’m in Canada, not speaking in a Southern accent, but mimicking the dialect I hear. This doesn’t mean that the people here are buying into any of this. To them I’m sure I’m still a Yankee that can help them with their SBA loan.

The building we are housed in is a testament to the damage from the hurricane. The walls, ceiling tiles, and floors are all suffering significant water damage. The sleek cherry office furniture we are working from must have been covered or removed during the storm and it now contrasts the floor that is an interesting mix of carpet glue and concrete.

Luke and I weren’t able to go anywhere too exciting today. A post work run was our only opportunity to see anything new. The big attraction was the Singing River Mall an aging shopping center that looked like it was built in the late 70’s.

Some stores were closed, apparently out of inventory or suffering water and roof damage. Not all of the mall’s interior lights were operating, and the lack of light and half empty stores created a creepy kind of shopping experience.

I was in search of a bookstore, but the all we found was a dollar store that offered nothing but trashy novels. If I don’t find anything else new to read in the next day or so, I may have to stop back.

Of yes, the Traverse City Record Eagle published a nice story today about our trip. I read the article online and fortunately it didn’t include my picture that ran in the printed edition.


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